Dear Participant of the Forum!
These requirements are to govern the procedure for provision of biographies to be published in the Forum brochure and posted on the website.
Please read closely the requirements as follows:
1. Overall biography content shall not exceed 100 words.
2. Speaker’s photo shall be a colour, full-face image, at least 1,000×1,000 px.
3. Biography content shall include the following:
- Personal data;
- Corporate name, position held;
- Most important career stages of employment career and positions held;
- Socio-political activities; merits, awards, and so on;
- Education background; area of competence, academic degree and rank;
- International activities; participation in projects; presentations.
4.We would appreciate your biography provided in two languages: Russian and English.
5.Please e-mail your biographies and high-resolution photographs to
6.Please provide all the materials before April 15.
Yours respectfully,
Organizing Committee